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Servicio de nomina


CGR LAWYER, le ofrecerá un servicio integral y personalizado; le apoyáremos con  un servicio de Payroll estratégico y enfocado a ofrecer un outsourcing de nómina eficiente a nuestros clientes.

  • Upload and administration of employees to T-registro 

  • Monthly payroll process 

  • Liquidations of social benefits and projection of scenarios

  • Calculation of bonuses, CTS, vacations and annual profits 

  • Cloud staff file management 

  • Fulfillment of obligations before the labor authority and AFP.

Oficina moderna
  • Upload and administration of employees to T-registro 

  • Monthly payroll process 

  • Liquidations of social benefits and projection of scenarios

  • Calculation of bonuses, CTS, vacations and annual profits 

  • Cloud staff file management 

  • Fulfillment of obligations before the labor authority and AFP.

Reunión de negocios
  • Upload and administration of employees to T-registro 

  • Monthly payroll process 

  • Liquidations of social benefits and projection of scenarios

  • Calculation of bonuses, CTS, vacations and annual profits 

  • Cloud staff file management 

  • Fulfillment of obligations before the labor authority and AFP.



Image by Alex Kotliarskyi

Contáctanos por la vía que guste, CGR LAWYER siempre estará a su disposición por cualquiera de esta opciones:

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